Missing Parts Policy
In the event that your ordered product comes to your hands with parts missing, the specific policies depend on where your products are shipped from.
a). For Orders Shipped Directly from JideTech’s Warehouse
If your ordered product arrived incomplete, JideTech may require image confirmations at our discretion before replacements for any missing part that is shipped out.
If your order included the product with a hard-disk drive, and a hard-disk drive was not installed in the product that you received, JideTech may ask for image confirmations before exchanging the product you received with a complete one.
If your order was not delivered or the ordered product arrived damaged, please contact JideTech customer support. In the event that your ordered product arrived damaged or incomplete due to external damages, please keep all interior and exterior packaging as this is needed when we file the shipping claim with the carrier service we used to ship your order.
b). For Orders Shipped from Third-Party Stores or Vendors
If your order arrived incomplete, was not delivered, or the ordered product was damaged, please contact the third-party store or vendor where the order was placed and shipped through the detailed policy or information.
We are sorry to learn that you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase. Please keep in mind that we are standing by 24/7 if you have any questions about our products or service. You may reach us by writing emails to cindyhe@jidetech.com